Richard B. Easley is the President of E-Squared Consulting Corporation and for 25+ years has led his company’s Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) efforts on projects and work efforts in 35 US states (including Washington, D.C.) and 24 countries worldwide. This ITS work is in the areas of Intermodal Freight, Transit, Traveler Information, Commercial Vehicle Operations, Electronic Payment Systems and Parking. Mr. Easley has served as the chairman on boards, committees, and subcommittees of various state, national, and international transportation/mobility associations including serving on the Coordinating Councils of ITS America (ITSA) and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). In addition, Richard served as a member of the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) Freight Systems Group Executive Board. Mr. Easley’s committee activities include serving as Chair of the ITSA Intermodal Task Force, Chair of the ITE Goods Movement Council, Chair of the TRB Intermodal Freight Transport Committee, Chair of the TRB Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations Freight Subcommittee as well as President of ITS Maryland. While Pres. of ITS Maryland, Mr. Easley led this organization’s efforts to win both the ITS America ‘2013 Most Outstanding Chapter Award’ and the ‘2013 Membership Growth Award’ – the first time in association history to win both awards simultaneously. Under Mr. Easley’s leadership as Chair, the TRB Intermodal Freight Transport committee was awarded the coveted 2018 TRB Blue Ribbon Committee Award for ‘Contributing to TRB and the Transportation Community’ – receiving the top honor over more than 200 standing committees. In addition, Mr. Easley serves on the Board of Directors of the International Parking and Mobility Institute (IPMI) and Chairs the IPMI Planning, Design, and Construction Committee and has Chaired both the IPMII “ITS – Parking Task Force” and the IPMII Parking Technology Committee. Currently, Mr. Easley serves as the Vice Chair of the ITS Canada Board of Directors (the very first non-Canadian elected to serve as a leader of this national multi-billion dollar industry).
Prior to Richard’s work at E-Squared, he worked for the Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America) as an Interim Director and Sr Staff Engineer for several years where he served as the national coordinator for garnering consensus and facilitating participation among 50 states (and local jurisdictions) in the ITS areas of Commercial Vehicle Operations, Advanced Public Transportation Systems, Intermodal Passenger and Freight, Advanced Transportation Management Systems, and Travel Demand Management. By way of international committee activities, Mr. Easley has served on the ITS World Congress International Program Planning Committee for 15 years working with international ITS experts around the world, developing successful ITS World Congress meetings in London, Beijing, New York, Stockholm, Busan, Orlando, Vienna, Tokyo, Detroit, Bordeaux, Melbourne, Montreal, Copenhagen, Singapore, Hamburg, Los Angeles and Dubai.
In addition to ITS consulting work and research, Mr. Easley has led numerous international mission trips to help impoverished children in Central America, Haiti and West Africa. Mr. Easley has a BS and MS in Engineering (UT at Austin), an AAS in Civil Engineering Technology and an AS in Mathematics. In 2018, Richard was inducted in the University of Texas at Austin’s Cockrell School of
Engineering Academy of Distinguished Alumni in the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering and is currently the Vice President of the Academy in line to be the incoming President.